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Compose own music - worklist with details (classical compositions only) - Start

In this worklist you¨ll see only the classical compositions and compositions with inspiration from classical music (all works with CLV-number).
(Well, in the future you'll see more information about this page).

How to read the infomration in the detail-list:


Title The composition's title
Category Concertos, sonatas, incidental music, songs and more.
More about category Original composition, revised composition, arrangements.
Instrument The instruments I compose the specific composition for; piano, flute, violin and more.
Movements The movements in the composition. You can olso listen to the movements.
Text The name of author or other information about the text in a composition you can read here.
Key Type of tonality: major, minor or other.
Date The date of the specific composition. With year and month
Town / Country In the town and country that the specific composition was composed.
Original composer Name of the composer hwo composed the original composition. Very often I (Christopher Lundgren) am the original composer.
Time The total time for the composition, example: 13:08 including all movements or parts.
Comments Details about the composition and arragnements you can see in the comments.
More information Hwo I dedicate a composition to, sometimes with name and other short information.
Next Next composition in the CLV-numbering.
Previous Previous composition in the CLV-numbering.


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Compose own music - worklist with details - CLV1 to 100

Compose own music - worklist with details - CLV101 to 200

Compose own music - worklist with details - CLV201 to 300

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Updated: 2011-09-01