Christopher Lundgrens web page

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Welcome to Christopher Lundgren's webb page - in english

You can look around on the page. Here you can listen to my own compositions, se videos and read my texts or. Select a link for mer information.

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Information All facts related to the page in different ways can be found under this category.
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(In swedish)
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(Visit this swedish version of this page).

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(Simple swedish)
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(Visit this swedish version of this page in simple swedish).

Lagnauge Go to the first page for selection of langauge or version of the page
News Sorry, this page is only aviable in swedish for the moment. In swedish you can select the folowing things:

"News page" with the latest news about me and the page

"News archive" with older news.

Media Sound files - listen to own clips with interwews that I made with friends. It is only aviable in swedish.

Videos - Look at my videos that I posted at Youtube.

The program page - A page with information about the sound files and programmes, like a radio stations web page. But this page are only aviable in swedish.

The music archives - Listen to my own compositions in MIDI-format.

Music Go directly to the music page and isten to my own compositions in MIDI-format or select some articles or other textes about music.
Video Go directly to the video page with link to my channel

Here you can listen to sond files and "programmes" - other sounds than music.

Texts Here you can read my writing, both stories and fairy tales, factual texts, music-related texts and song lyrics. Only the music-related texts are aviable in inglish. The rest you only can read in swedish.
Geastbook Write some thing if you want, some thing good or bad. Note! The geastbook will be opned in a new window.

Uppdated: 2012-02-22